-Linkin Park

In a cornered space, where destination meets uncertainty, there are roads curling about their edges, streets cobbling themselves into places unexpected, and grounds shifting beneath the steps pounding on them. This place offers a style not easy to live, and a terrain difficult to inhabit. The houses have no doors, the windows have no glass, and the occupants have no choice but to be open and vulnerable to whatever the wind breathes in.

However, Duty was not pleased.

In time, her heart grew weak without the attention from the one she had given it to.
And one day, she returned & found it in pieces, glistening in the dirt. She knelt and buried it, while whispering, 'At least it no longer hurts.'
Everyday now she brings fresh blooms to where her planted heart lays. She has learned to exist without it. Her mind thinks it is easier this way.

And it was here, in this sliver of a community, he moved with assurance. A stranger, cool & confident. His stride possessed all the virile a man could access. The unpredictable passages carried no threat.
And oh, how attractive was this - his movement! It caught and froze every pair of eyes on contact. The pulse of a primal man beating like a gentleman.
A blending, rare & flawless.

And she was tender in her movement - a grace unforgiving in its display. A nature, mild. Expressed in abandonment, wild. No limits; unafraid.
She existed in this cornered place, where the footing lacked solidity & security.
It is true. She possessed a knack for greeting the ground only by crashing down. The realization that her carefully hung fantasies, though lovely in their prisms' reflecting, could not exist without some kind of stability. And so, she had no choice but in this corner to reside. It was her domain; her expertise; where she thrived.

Her offbeat sparkle caught the attention of our fine fellow. He saw her frolicking. Fascination did more than enter his atmosphere. It penetrated every fiber of being, causing him to do something he never did -- stumble.

With his footing lost & breath taken away, a vicious pause grabbed him and made him stay. His distinguished movement stopped in a place where he could experience her allure. Her delicacy. He could not pull himself away. The very air he needed to breathe, she became.

The force he adopted along his journey. Duty kept him devoted and motivated. Working. And to Duty, a slave he willingly became. Duty absolutely had his heart. A long ago agreement made.
But the rare beauty drew him, in spite of Duty. He could not help himself. His soul's need; it seemed. No control had he.
Closer he moved. And when the rare beauty smiled at him, he went down.
Hard he fell.
Hard he fell.
In the dust swirling around, the rare beauty ran to him. A familiarity she recognized in his fallacy; her heart attended to the misfortune of his deed. And it was at their first touching, when Cupid's arrow released - that distinct sound heard throughout history.

Duty sent her daughters, Adventure & Obligation, to his senses. They called to him. Their voices singing in his ear. The humming harmony of a known melody; a sort of comfort in their friendship sounded in the air.
He paused & listened. But only just briefly.

Before he walked away, stubbornly. To attend to the heart of his soul's beauty. It was her desires he longed to please. Her gentle ways he wanted to keep.
And the rare beauty grew ever more appealing under his care.
And the rare beauty grew ever more appealing under his care.
He gave her his best. She fed his spirit. He listened to her. She stroked his hair. He spoke in deep tones. She liked his words. And in the quiet moments they shared, his arms held her near.
Attention creating attraction.
And in their intimacy, her heart beat lively. She, and her spirit felt vital and protected within his embrace. She never wanted to let him go. He wanted to forever remain. And so they stayed. In this corner where uncertainty & destination meet.
Until one day, Duty came, tapping her cane. She tossed him the reminder of what had occurred already. His heart rattled within its cage.

He stared at the horror. He buckled under the pain. A tortured, twisted movement over him came. From the rare beauty he disengaged. From her he stood tall & separate towards his true love, Duty.
The rare beauty moved between Duty & he. She placed her own heart into his hand and wrapped his fingers about it. He looked upon her face in earnest. She dropped and held onto his legs. He opened his hand and looked at the delicate rhythms her heart made. He caressed it. The rare beauty felt his stroke & released him in hope. He then set her heart onto the ground, carefully, before turning & walking away.

The rare beauty did not watch him leave. She could not watch him leave. In the opposite direction, she ran from where her heart laid.

And one day, she returned & found it in pieces, glistening in the dirt. She knelt and buried it, while whispering, 'At least it no longer hurts.'

Yet, mindful thoughts must remember that here in this corner of a slivered space - where destination and uncertainty meet - unfinished and abrupt are always the endings
--Christine Kincer 2011
*All pictures are taken from internet image sites. Fashion shots are from Alexander McQueen runway collections.